Nestled in the heart of the Lowcountry in Charleston, SC, the Gathered Hens are known for their sophisticated Southern design and treasure-hunting skills. Steeped in history and hospitality, we Southerners have learned how to scrimp. Think Scarlett O’Hara and those green velvet curtains. We’ve always been exceptionally good at re-fashioning old clothing and making do with simple means. Even with interior design, learning how to stretch your budget will serve you well in the long run.

With tenacity as their guide, this unlikely duo (mother-in-law/daughter-in-law team) are sure to find one-of-a-kind pieces and plenty of fun along the way. They will travel far and wide to find the next piece de resistance. The Gathered Hens style can feather any nest and make your friends eat crow.

“We have found phenomenal treasures, but none as great as the bond that Cheryl and I share, created together on our adventures.”


Meet the Head Hen

Since childhood I have always loved beauty…in any form. Like the time I was playing dress up with my mother's clothes and got the scissors out; nothing in its original state seemed “just right.” Or the time I put my grandmother's silk scarf over a lamp to soften the lighting only for it to catch fire. I was six.

When I look back on my life and the beginning of my decorating career I am reminded of some of my first jobs. I took them very seriously. I remember when I was about seven years old, my mother was outside tending to her roses and my father was out working on the farm and I decided to throw them a surprise dinner party. I would take my mother's fine china and a few herbs (a.k.a. wild flowers) to design the most beautiful table setting. I'm sure the food was horrible, but the love was the details. And it’s ALL about the details.

It’s the same for me now. I bring my passion to every event and space I design. For over ten years I’ve been designing spaces and special events across the Lowcountry — and now I can bring that inspiration to you through my social outlets (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). You too can achieve the Gathered Hens collected look.


Amber Hoover Bennett