The Ju-Ju Lamps

The Ju-Ju Lamps

I feel I should preface this story by saying that my MIL, myself included, have led a somewhat sheltered life. Her most, me second. For goodness sakes, up until 13 years ago the woman didn’t even know what “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” meant! Not kidding. One day we were riding through a subdivision, on a Friday night (doing our pre-garage sale stake out, you do this before your Saturday morning adventure, you know to see if you like the house. If not, we cross you off the list. ️). It’s kinda like being set up on a blind date and giving yourself an advantage by doing a little before hand stalking, you know...see if you like “the goods” type deal. Anyway, Lord that doesn’t have A THING to do with those Ju-Ju lamps. So anyway, we are doing the stake out and she see’s a flag on someone’s porch that says “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” and she says what does that mean? I gave her a dramatic wide eyed look and said “YOU know what THAT means”! No, I don’t. she says. Ya’ll, she DIDN’T. And of course that leaves ME, the one with the sinful slang, to be the tell all! And like I said, I’m not too terribly far behind her.

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Who's Barbara?

Who's Barbara?

You’ve heard me say it before. I KNOW you have, but I’m tellin y’all...the woman has never met a stranger.

So, we are OTW to Georgia to pick up “all the things”, when Cheryl’s cell phone rings.

Cheryl is my MIL, y’all remember, right?

Anyway, she answers her phone with a...”Well Good Morning, Barbara!!” “Amber and I are on the way to Monticello again and this time we are picking up a BIG chandelier.” “It’s for Amber and Micah’s new house.”

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The Day I Let My Karen Show - A Gathered Hens Adventure

The Day I Let My Karen Show - A Gathered Hens Adventure

Sure, I’m pretty even tempered most of the time. And yes, I do realize that I’m not going to win every pick. But listen...I wanted that table - MORE! Sigh. Happy as I was that Cheryl had found her six white ruffled slipcovers that would fit perfectly on all of her dining chairs (she’d been searching for some for TWO years), I (sigh) was destitute with grief. You see, I’d found this pretty white table that was PERFECT for my concrete vase that holds all of those beautiful white flowers - amazing! It was a fantastic price and in mind it was as good as “get in my car , done” you know what I’m talking about! (I’m shootin you the...raise my party brow look)

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That New York Trip - An Honest Account of Anxiety

Y’all. Anxiety is real. It’s so real - that you could find yourself flying to the Empire State with a round trip ticket and renting a car for the ride home. Yep, real. And it is NO respecter of persons.

It sounded like a fun time. I’d only been to NYC one other time, the girls trip I took with my Momma ️ and I was ecstatic! It was Christmas time so Micah and I bought tickets to see the Rockette’s, tickets to see The Grinch in Madison Square Garden, ice skating lessons for Claira Belle in Rockafeller Center (lets be real, momma can’t skate, somebody had to skate with her). The trip started out fabulously! We stayed at the Waldorf, ate lunch at Carnegie, dinner at Carmine’s, The get the idea. This Southern Belle doesn’t fly north often, better get it in while you can!

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Monkey See, Monkey Doo - at the Hampton Park Zoo

Monkey See, Monkey Doo - at the Hampton Park Zoo

If it had not been for the numerous witnessed accounts of others, I would have sworn that my lineage derived from a fictional story.

When touring Charleston, South Carolina and looking for directions to the Old City Zoo, you would be hard pressed to find assistance. But ask any local and they will tell you, that in fact, Hampton Park was just “the place''.

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Holiday shopping with my MIL

Holiday shopping with my MIL

SO, Cheryl (my Mother-In-Law) and I had much success at this year’s Holiday Market. Being the “shop till you drop” person that I am Cheryl made me promise that I would only stay out for three hours or else she would not be tagging along. She does like to shop but prefers when we go to estate sales and such. She is NOT what you would call an “All day shopping kinda gal”. With that being said I felt a bit rushed on our Saturday afternoon excursion. AND…you know how that can be. I like to call this my “Where the devil did I park my car at this monstrosity of an event face”?

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Tonight I Miss My Mom

Tonight I Miss My Mom

Tonight, I miss my mom. It’s not that I don’t miss her everyday. There isn’t an hour that goes by that I don’t think of her. But there is something about the holidays. When you’ve had someone in your life that is so very special, times and seasons come and go and you are left with only memories and the reminder that another stretch of time has passed and they aren’t here. Most of the time I do really well but, there are breakthroughs. Those times that even though I am grateful for everything I have… a loving husband, beautiful and kind children and a happy home, there remains a void. Tonight I’m aware of the things that are missing.

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Okra and Tomato Soup

Okra and Tomato Soup

Okra and Tomato Soup …

It’s CHILLY in Charleston and the one thing that can warm my soul, is a passed-down family recipe of okra and tomato soup. Through the years I have eaten more bowls than I can count of this made-with-love dish. This beloved recipe comes from my Daddy’s side of the family, The Baker’s. I can think of MANY stories that have centered around this simple meal. There’s something about preparing something for your family, that was made by your own hands and recalling that it has meant something to someone, that has shared your last name.

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Witches Be Brunchin'

Witches Be Brunchin'

Let’s face it, it wouldn’t be Halloween AT ALL without your best buds. So, why not throw a “Witches be Brunchin’’ party just for them? EVEN if the late night phone convos, with your BFF, HAVE given you some under eye baggage! “Susan, Steve is never going to take out the garbage. He’s just NOT!” “No, I don’t think Marcy gave you the stink eye at the PTO meeting last week...She just has GOOD resting witch face. I guarantee you she SAVES Tom thousands on botox every year. Witches be trippin’!

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Here's what I LOVE about Target

Here's what I LOVE about Target

Are you over the HARVEST MOON about FALL? Yesterday was a real doozy of a day, YOU know what I mean. So, for a bit of stress relief, I decided I would make a Target run. Cue the bright lights and the “hit you in the face aroma of Starbucks.”

I dropped off Claira Belle at musical theatre at 5pm and with baby Beau in tow I was able to drive all the way across town to Target, pick out a HUGE chunk of FALL DECOR (gimme all the fall “pill-as.”) and some goldfish crackers at the check out counter because well, (ya gotta keep him quiet), then drive back across town and pick up CB by 6pm. I mean, in an hour! Target run for the win. They make it so easy.

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Learn to make the best of what you have.

Learn to make the best of what you have.

Hey! I’m Amber and this is my business, Gathered Hens. I believe that interior design is the perfect way to tell a story about who you are. The task of bringing the ol’ South into its modern day glory while still preserving its history and character is a delicate balance indeed. We at Gathered Hens specialize in timeless designs that are comfortable and sophisticated.

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