Who's Barbara?

You’ve heard me say it before. I KNOW you have, but I’m tellin y’all...the woman has never met a stranger.

So, we are OTW to Georgia to pick up “all the things”,  when Cheryl’s cell phone rings.

Cheryl is my MIL, y’all remember, right?

Anyway, she answers her phone with a...”Well Good Morning, Barbara!!” “Amber and I are on the way to Monticello again and this time we are picking up a BIG chandelier.” “It’s for Amber and Micah’s new house.”

“Why yes”, says Cheryl...”It’s really BIG!” “Yes, big...here let me let you talk to Amber and she can tell you ALL about it.” 

Now look, I don’t know “a Barbara”. I didn’t even know that Cheryl, knew “a Barbara”.

But, here I go...talking to her. “Well hello, Barbara”. Yes, this is Amber, Cheryl’s daughter-in-law. Yes, it’s nice to meet you too. ️ Yes, the chandelier is quite large. Well, it’s 5ft tall by 2 1/2ft wide. Yes Ma’am, it’s crystal, mmm-hmm very old. Waterford. Mmm-hmm. Facebook Marketplace, yes Ma’am, Marketplace...Mmm-hmm. Marketplace. Ok, well listen, let me let you talk to Cheryl. Yes, so nice meeting you too! Ok, bye bye. Here ya go Cheryl  (I pass her the cell phone).

“Hey again, Barbara”, says Cheryl. “Facebook Marketplace...Marketplace, YES, Facebook...Marketplace.”

“Right, well maybe we can learn how to do that online, Barbara.”

“Ok, well I will call you later, OK” “Oh, I’m SO glad that you liked the sweater I left on your doorstep.” “I was so very glad to get it for you. I know you said you loved mine and when I saw one at Ross’s on sale... I wanted you to have one too, I just couldn’t believe it was Ralph Lauren. Ok, I will call you tomorrow. Bye, Barbara.”

That’s Barbara, says Cheryl. I took her to church with me the other day and we have been having such a nice time getting to know each other... I went to her house a couple of days ago for lunch...we had lobster salad and egg salad and it was SO good.

Oh, Yum!! Who is she again?

“Barbara, I met her at the gas station a couple of weeks ago.”

She was having trouble at the pump and so I showed her how it worked. You know, she didn’t want to fill her car up all the way? She only wanted me to put a little bit of gasoline in her tank, but I thought you know, you might as WELL fill it up, especially if you have trouble working a pump and credit card machine. She’s 85 years old, but she gets along really well!

She just had surgery the other day and I have been taking her to church and out and about. 

She is SO nice, she’s Catholic.

So, I asked her if maybe I should talk to her daughter on the phone and see if it would be ok for me to take her to my church...you know since we are Southern Baptist. I mean, I didn’t want her to think we were a cult or something. 

I set up a meeting for her last week. Barbara talked to one of the ministers at our church, you know HE used to be Catholic, and he talked to her about his conversion. 

My thoughts...
(You know that Catholic stuff, it’s catchy...somebody call in the Holy water) Lawd, Cheryl! 

Now listen, this sort of thing happens with my MIL ALL THE TIME. I am NOT joking. Have mercy!

And guess what, Barbs just might be joining us on our next treasure hunting expedition. ‍♀️ 🏻 She’s crazy about the idea! I have NO doubt that this very week, there will be TWO grey headed little ladies, working VERY hard at figuring out “The  Marketplace”.  I guarantee it. 

I mean that is, if her daughter let’s her. You know, after all of the ...fire and brimstone, Southern Baptist cult stuff! Did I mention, she’s catholic? Oh me.
